Wednesday 6 January 2010

Software Re-Engineering for Real

Software Re-Engieering
"The examination and alteration of an existing subject system toreconstitute it in a new form. This process encompasses a combination of sub-processes such as reverse engineering, restructuring, redocumentation, forward engineering, and retargeting."

Aside: The new form of the subject system could be structured code - from "spaghetti" code; design information in graphical form - from input code; or the translation of the source code from one language to another while preserving the system's functionality."

As a Engineering student, I am really attracted to Software Re-engineering which we don't study in acadamic period , used to work when we get into industry. I recently started studying about software re-engineering techiques which involes migrating legacy systems which was developed ages ago but still in operations as well as refactoring and replacing new objected oriented legacy systems which developed using new, high level technologies but not with proper design and maintance.
In this blog, I am planned to write about software re-engineering , the main content of this articles are abstracted from some good research papers and journels about software re-engineering.
You can refer the main resources if you want to learn more about these technigues.


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